
Discerene’s Approach to Hiring

Fundamentally, we believe that it takes a certain personality — a certain chutzpah — for an analyst to believe that he/she can consistently make money by being right analyzing businesses when others are wrong. Analysts with the most potential are not likely to be the most consensus-driven, intellectually easygoing people we will meet. When we recruit, we actively seek out a preternatural spark, that "off-center" quality that many people with high capacity for independent-minded blue-sky thinking have. However, intellectual creativity does not always go hand-in-hand with analytical discipline. We also look for folks who show the ability to follow through on independent ideas with rigorous, methodical empirical work, especially in seeking out and evaluating disconfirming evidence, guided by clear, knife-through-butter logic.

We find that sometimes, folks with high IQs have never had to push past thinking mostly at an intuitive level, because (unfortunately, for analytical muscle-training purposes), their initial intuitions have often been right, or at least persuasive, such that these intuitions do not often get questioned or subjected to empirical investigation. In particular, a phenomenon we have observed is that some folks with high IQs have also learned (consciously or subconsciously), along the way, how to better blend in and thrive socially. Truth for them becomes a social construct to be figured out within a particular institutional context (e.g., an academic “school” or professional peer group) instead of a reality to be discovered from first principles. We believe we have created an environment within which original thinking is encouraged and can flourish, but we know that many patterns of behavior are already well formed before potential hires get to us.

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Open Positions

Research Analysts and Associates
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Chief of Staff
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Director of Tax and Accounting
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Discerene alumni (including our former interns and consultants) have gone on to stellar careers, including founding their own firms and taking on leadership positions at other high-performing institutions. We cannot take credit for their success or flourishing, but we are proud of them anyway and they remain part of the Discerene family.